Advanced object handling examples

Below are some examples of how to use advanced object handling.
follow each command. Commands become more advanced as the list proceeds. It
is assumed for these examples that the objects targeted actually exist.

  get sword
This gets a single sword.

  get sword 1
This gets the same sword. Note that item number one is always the same as
the item without a number indicated.

  get sword 2
This gets the second sword, leaving the first on the ground.

  get all sword
This gets all swords.

  get sword, sword 2
This gets the first and second sword but no others.

  get sword 1,sword 2
This also gets the first and second sword but no others.

  get max 1 all sword
This gets the first sword, locating all swords, then taking the first one.

  get max 2 all sword
This gets the first and second sword but no others, locating all swords
taking the first two.

  get max 12 all sword
This gets up to twelve swords, starting from sword 1 and going until sword

  get max 1 sword
This gets the first sword. Note that there is no benefit to using "max"
with syntax which would otherwise only get a single object.

  get max 1 sword, sword 2
This gets the first sword only, taking only the first sword after locating
listed swords.

  get max 2 all sword
This gets the first two swords, locating all swords on the ground, then
the first two.

  get max 2 all sword,all shield
This gets two items from the available selection of swords and shields. It 
locates all the swords then all the shields, then takes the first two
items. If
there are more than two swords, it will just take the first two swords.

  get max 2 all sword,max 1 all shield
This gets up to two items from the available swords and shields. If there
multiple shields present, it will never take more than one of them, even if
are no swords.

  get max 2 max 1 all sword,max 1 all shield
This gets the first sword and first shield. If no swords are available, or
are no shields, it will not take two of the other item.

  get all sword except sword
This gets every sword except the first sword.

  get all sword except sword 1,sword 2
This gets every sword except sword 1 and sword 2.

  get sword 1,sword 2,sword 3 except sword 1,sword 2
This gets sword 3 only.

  get all weapon except sword
This gets all weapons in the room except the first sword.

  get all weapon except all sword
This gets all weapons in the room except for all the swords.

  get all weapon except max 2 all sword
This gets all weapons in the room except for two swords. This will by the
two swords, sword 1 and sword 2.

  get all weapon except all sword except sword 1,sword 2
This gets sword 1, sword 2 and all weapons that are not swords.

  get all sword,all shield except max 2 all sword,max 1 all shield
This gets all swords from the ground and all shields except for two items.
two swords are available, those will be selected first. If only one sword
available, it will leave that sword and the first shield. If only shields
available, it will leave only the first one.

  get all sword,all shield except max 5 max 4 all sword,max 3 all shield
This gets all swords and shields except for up to five, of which no more
four will be swords and no more than three will be shields.

  get max 12 max 3 all sword,max 8 all shield except max 2 all sword,max 2
shield except max 2 sword 3, weapon 1,shield 2
This is left as an exercise to the reader.