Spirit of the rules

We all play Retromud to have fun.  This being said, sometimes one
person's fun is another person's grief.  We have created rules as a
community that help us determine what we feel is allowable behavior.

These rules are meant to be followed to the letter, but they also have
a spirit as well.  Remember that, even if you don't abuse the letter
of the law, constantly falling into a grey area can be just as bad and
have similar negative consequences for your character.

If you aren't sure, ask on mentor.  If no one seems to know for sure,
you can always mudmail a Sentinel to request an answer.  Many of our
players have been playing for years, some even over a decade, and they
can help you interpret your questions based on past experience and
knowledge of decisions that have been made over the years that didn't
really warrant an actual hard-and-fast written rule.

The easiest rule: If in doubt, don't!