Repair castle
Casting time: 3 roundsSpell cost: 100
Spell level: 11Spell category: enchantment
Affecting stats: cha
Offensive: No Location: Anywhere
Target: needtarget Range: room
Components: VS

Description: This spell, makes repairs to the castle whose entrance you are standing outside. Cost is 5k for the foundation and entrance room and 2.5k for each additional room. Usage: cast repair castle at [appraise/repair] repair: This spell, makes repairs to the castle whose entrance you are standing outside. Cost is 5k for the foundation and entrance room and 2.5k for each additional room. appraise: This will tell you how much it will cost to repair the castle. It will not charge your bank account anything (even if the message currently says that it will).
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage