Three rune cast
Casting time: 2 roundsSpell cost: 31
Spell level: 1 Spell category: runic
Affecting stats: None
Offensive: No Location: Anywhere
Target: livingtarget Range: room
Components: VSM
Components: sowilo (1 charge), dagaz (1 charge), tiwaz (1 charge)

Description: This spell utilizes the Jomsviking's runes (requiring three to cast the divination), by tossing the runes before the target's feet and reading them appropriately to determine its personality. The divination is called the Norns, each rune representing one of the goddesses of fate. Jomsvikings think in terms of maat and maug, rather than good or evil. To a Jomsviking, loyalty to oneself and kin is maat, and cowardice is maug.
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage