
Homeworld: Raji
Description: The Anakim are a race of half-angels. Dubbed the children of Sikkar, the Anakim walk the planets in search of demonic forces to battle. Noble and proud, often haughty and sometimes idealistic, Anakim justice is swift and decisive. The angelic nature of this race is not without its weaknesses. As a result of spiritual infusion Anakim are more vulnerable to harm that the lesser humans are accustomed to suffering.
Stat Potential
Str: moderate
Agi: moderate
Dex: moderate
Con: moderate
Int: moderate
Wis: good
Per: moderate
Cha: good
Siz: 7'3"
Weight: 59 kg
Metarace: Celestial

Maximum Age: 777 years
Dietary Requirements: omnivore
Number of limbs: two
Natural Armor: weak
Natural Weapons: poor
Experience Rate: 55%
Skill Maximum: 95%
Hermetic Spell Maximum: 75%
Spiritual Spell Maximum: 100%
Heartbeat: rapid
Vision: light and ultra light conditions
Religious Skill Bonus: 5%

Slots: a brow, a head, two eyes, a neck, an amulet, a brooch, a cloak, an upper torso, a lower torso, two shoulders, two upper arms, two lower arms, two wrists, two hands, two fingers, a belt, two upper legs, two lower legs and two feet.
Advantages: poison immunity and wings.
Disadvantages: regen only in light.
Miscellaneous: THIS RACE IS JOINABLE ONLY AFTER REACHING LEVEL 100 AND COMPLETING A SPECIAL QUEST, corpse does not rise and natural terrain: none.
Resistances and Vulnerabilities: Takes 15% more harm damage.
Immune to: physical diseases
Damage Regeneration: moderate
Mana Regeneration: moderate
Endurance Regeneration: average
Emotes: aglow, ahalo, aradiance, asmile, aspread and atouch.
Poor Guild Matches: abjurer, alchemist, assassin, bard, biomancer, cultist, druid, fallen, fighter, jomsviking, mage, merchant, monk, necromancer, paladin, psionicist, ranger, sentinel and templar.
Size Comparison (vs Human):