
Homeworld: Raji
Description: Native to Raji, the Jinn were once bound to slavery to other races in a lifetime of servitude. They have since escaped their prisons and now willingly serve in the capacity of builders and guards for the various city-islands of Raji. They are most numerous on Suthnas, where King Odie welcomed them with open arms.
Stat Potential
Str: average
Agi: average
Dex: average
Con: moderate
Int: good
Wis: good
Per: moderate
Cha: good
Siz: 6'4"
Weight: 58 kg
Metarace: Elemental

Maximum Age: immortal
Dietary Requirements: omnivore
Number of limbs: two
Natural Armor: weak
Natural Weapons: weak
Experience Rate: 55%
Skill Maximum: 95%
Hermetic Spell Maximum: 95%
Spiritual Spell Maximum: 75%
Heartbeat: rapid
Vision: light and ultra light conditions
Hermetic Conjuration Spell Bonus: 5%

Slots: a brow, a head, two eyes, a neck, an amulet, a brooch, a cloak, an upper torso, two shoulders, two upper arms, two lower arms, two wrists, two hands, two fingers and a belt.
Advantages: does not need food, enhanced olfactory sense, flight and mindsight.
Disadvantages: cannot ride mounts, cannot sleep and claustrophobia.
Miscellaneous: THIS RACE IS JOINABLE ONLY AFTER REACHING LEVEL 100 AND COMPLETING A SPECIAL QUEST, corpse does not rise, natural terrain: air and non-flesh being.
Resistances and Vulnerabilities: Takes 10% more asphyxiation damage.
Immune to: physical diseases
Damage Regeneration: moderate
Mana Regeneration: good
Endurance Regeneration: poor
Emotes: jbrass, jcur, jfloat, jraji and jwish.
Commands: bolt.
Poor Guild Matches: abjurer, alchemist, assassin, bard, biomancer, cultist, druid, fallen, fighter, jomsviking, mage, merchant, monk, necromancer, paladin, psionicist, ranger, sentinel and templar.
Size Comparison (vs Human):