
Homeworld: Raji
Description: The Suula hail from strange energy storms on the world of Raji. They appear as large smears of color and seem to be made of energy rather than flesh and blood. Despite this, they seem to exhibit many qualities of normal races. Suula spend a great deal of their energy merely maintaining a form to interact with the world. They are able to use telekinesis to carry items, yet are not skilled enough to fight with them. Suula use a form of energy blast as natural defense. Suula thrive on the colors and the emotions of others and savor new experiences.
Stat Potential
Str: horrible
Agi: low
Dex: horrible
Con: low
Int: good
Wis: good
Per: good
Cha: moderate
Siz: 6'8"
Weight: 12 kg
Metarace: Elemental

Maximum Age: immortal
Dietary Requirements: none
Number of limbs: zero
Natural Armor: very good
Natural Weapons: extremely poor
Experience Rate: 55%
Skill Maximum: 95%
Hermetic Spell Maximum: 100%
Spiritual Spell Maximum: 85%
Heartbeat: very rapid
Vision: light, dark, ultra light and ultra dark conditions

Slots: a brow, a head, two eyes, a neck, two amulets, a brooch, a cloak, an upper torso, a lower torso, two shoulders, two upper arms, two lower arms, two wrists, two hands, two belts, two upper legs, two lower legs and two feet.
Advantages: can't fall unconscious, does not need food, does not need to breathe, flight, gets energy surge attack, infravision, mindsight, poison immunity and see magic.
Disadvantages: cannot eat, cannot rest, cannot ride mounts, cannot sleep and uses telekinesis.
Miscellaneous: THIS RACE IS JOINABLE ONLY AFTER REACHING LEVEL 100 AND COMPLETING A SPECIAL QUEST, corpse does not rise, natural terrain: none, non-flesh being and nonhumanoid.
Resistances and Vulnerabilities: Takes 50% more asphyxiation damage, 50% more harm damage, 10% less illusion damage and 10% less poison damage.
Immune to: physical diseases
Disease Susceptibility: 100% to mental and 100% to magical diseases
Damage Regeneration: poor
Mana Regeneration: excellent
Endurance Regeneration: excellent
Emotes: scolor, sfeed, sfloat, sgrey and sspot.
Commands: blend and sydrain.
Poor Guild Matches: abjurer, alchemist, assassin, bard, biomancer, cultist, druid, fallen, fighter, jomsviking, mage, merchant, monk, necromancer, paladin, psionicist, ranger, sentinel and templar.
Size Comparison (vs Human):